The book, 'Just Say Yes to Life, embracing individuation to embrace life',
takes Carl Jung’s fascinating concept of individuation
–to become who or what we are destined to become -
and demystifies it to take us on a compelling journey on how to individuate fully.
This book arose out of Patricia’s own experience of individuation. It was only when she decided to leave a successful career in the Hotel industry that she discovered the word ‘individuation’.
Patricia was interested in exploring why so many people experienced an inner lack of fulfilment in their lives, when outwardly everything appeared ‘just right’.
Cosmologists call this 'the Goldilocks effect' – when everything on the surface
is ‘just right’.
Patricia herself experienced 'the Goldilocks effect' during her Hotel career and as she researched this phenomena, she realised that this inner lack of fulfilment in an otherwise perfect life, was one of the ways in which the need for continued individuation makes its presence known in our lives.
On discovering the word individuation, she had an ‘Aha’ moment and the essence of the book was born.............